July 9, 2024 @6-7:30pm PDT - $29 per guest
Virtual Breathwork via zoom
Hot seat coaching for those who’d like support
Complementary Integration support call
Connection with like minded and hearted people
Share time, for those who want to express
And so much more juicy goodness...
This Is More Than Just Breathwork...
Amie will safely guide you through a combination of breath, sound and movement. During this journey you may experience catharsis, powerful somatic discharging and re-connection to your heart and inner child which often results in an emotional and physical release of stuck energy, repressed emotions and unprocessed traumas.
Due to the nature of this work, the deep processes and Breathwork there are certain contraindications that will stop you from being able to attend.
They are:
Epilepsy, Diabetes, Pregnant, Severe Asthma, History of seizures, High blood pressure, Diagnosed Severe PTSD, Cardiovascular problems, Heart disease / conditions, History or diagnosis of aneurisms, Adverse reactions from recent Covid Vaccination, Detached Retina, Recent physical injuries, fractures and/or surgeries, Severe mental health conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, or psychosis), Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, spiritual emergence within the past 3 years. Currently taking heavy medication that alters brain chemistry (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-psychoticAny other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impair or affect your ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release.
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